Thursday, May 1, 2008

Saturday 3rd April

Hey kids, weekly CC News: The Common Conversation All-Stars football collective are going great guns, and have a potential match coming up. Looks like it's going to run every Saturday afternoon during the summer months.

Could STAR volunteers please be encouraged to use the email list and blog more - with more of an idea of who was coming down, we wouldn't sometimes have so many volunteers that they are borderline redundant, and other times be short!

Also, anyone wanting to lead classes or coordinate would be very welcome. It's been much the same handful of people for the last 2 months or so, and doesn't seem a fair division of labour. Support provided to any first timers who want to try something new!

This week's rota:

Lead Teacher for Beginners: TOM
Lead Teacher for Intermediate: LIV
Coordinator: AMANDA
Assistant Teachers: ANNA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It Pains me to have to do a U-turn, but I unfortunately can't come this week after all... :( I will certainly be back next week though. I'm really annoyed at myself but I need all hours in the day at this point - sorry!

Volunteer Roles

This is to give you an idea of what the different volunteer roles involve (but these are by no means set in stone!)

Advanced class planner/teacher:

Intermediate class planner/teacher:

Beginners class planner/teacher:

Teaching assistants:

Key holder opening up: You need a key for the Common Place. You need to arrive by 12pm and unlock the front doors and the back fire exit. Maybe also be the one to make sure there is veg or go to the market if there isn't?

Key holder closing: Make sure all the washing up is done, that chairs and tables are arranged neatly, that all resources from the lesson are put away, that everything is switched off and there is no one left in the building. Then lock up. Often there might be another group using the building afterwards so just make sure they have a key to close after themselves etc.

Childcare volunteer: Take care of the kids, play games
with them or make sure they're happy on the computers. Try to keep them busy and not bothering their parents!